Saturday, November 15, 2008

Google Adsense Strategies and Tips

Alden Smith

Adsense is beginning to make a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry today. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be losing their customers quickly.

If you are in a losing rather than winning in the affiliate program you are currently promoting, maybe it is about time to consider going into the Adsense marketing and start earning some real cash.

Google is readily providing well written and highly relevant ads that are closely chosen to match the content on your pages. You do not have to look for them yourselves as the search engine will be the doing the searching for you from other people’s source. You also don't have to spend time in choosing different kind of ads for different pages. Google makes it very easy for you, with no codes to mess around for different affiliate programs.

You will be able to concentrate on providing good and quality content, as the search engines will be the ones finding the best ads in which to put your pages on.

You are still allowed to add Adsense ads even if you already have affiliate links on your site. It is prohibited, however, to imitate the look and feel of the Google ads for your affiliate links. One of the things you can do, however, is to utilize Google's custom palette to customize your Google ads, making them to appear a part of the web page itself. The idea here is to match background and links to match the theme of your site. People on the internet today are trained to click on a link that is blue, and if your Google ads have the same theme as your web page, it makes the Google ads appear to be a portion of your "content."

You can also filter up to 200 URLs. This gives you a chance to block ads for the sites that do not meet your guidelines, and also block competitors. Remember that it is unavoidable that Adsense may be competing for some space on web sites that all other revenues are sharing.

Owners of small sites are allowed to plug a bit of a code into their sites and instantly have relevant text ads that appeal to your visitors appear instantly on your pages. If you own many sites, you only need to apply once. Then ,you are issued a unique "publisher ID", which can be used on any site you currently own. A small snippet of Javascript is placed on your site in the location you wish the ads to appear in, and generally speaking, the ads from Goggle will appear in minutes. This ends the hassle of having to apply to many affiliate programs, and keeping track of many different URL's and user ID's and passwords.

As Google ads are very easy to customize, and can be placed anywhere on your site you wish, you can experiment with placement, colors, and themes. Many tricks are available to the resourceful webmaster, including adding images in conjunction with your Google ads to make them more noticeable.

The payment rates can vary extremely. The payment you will be receiving per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise with the use of the AdWords. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents and as high as $10-12, sometimes even more than that too. Some savvy lawyers are currently paying as high as $75 for advertising the keyword mesothelioma! And you, as the ad publisher, are earning a share of that money generated.

If your results remain stagnant, it can help if you try and build simple and uncluttered pages so that the ads can catch the visitor’s eyes more. It sometimes pay to differ from the usual things that people are doing already. Google has many tutorials, including a "heat chart" which shows you where the best placement for ads are. You will need an account to access these tutorials. Sign up for an Adsense account at Google Adsense. It is also a refreshing sight for your visitor once they see something different for a change.

It is still wise to look at other people’s information and format your Adsense in a like manner. A wise old business axiom is to "find a good business model, then copy it." Let others do the hard work for you, and learn from a successful site. Just think about it as doing yourself a favor by not having to work too hard to know what content to have. Look to sites that have high page rank, and carefully observe their layouts, their content, and placement of their ads. A little time spent doing research can put dollars in your pocket down the road.

Publishers have the option of choosing to have their ads displayed only on a certain site or sites. You can also have them displayed on a large network of sites if you so desire. Google now has the option to allow other people to advertise on your site. This only makes good sense. If you are marketing to a tightly defined niche, you can place your own ads, written by you, on site that allow this option. The choice is yours, depending on what you think will work best to your advantage.

It is important to note that you cannot choose certain topics only. If you do this, search engines will not place Adsense ads on your site and you will be missing out a great opportunity in making hundreds and even thousands of dollars cash.

Topics to be avoided includes gambling, firearms, ammunition, tobacco or drugs. If you are being offered more cash in exchange of doing Adsense with these kinds, it is just like signing your own termination paper.

With all the information that people need in your hands already, all you have to do is turn Google Adsense into your own cash cow. It all boils down to a win-win situation both for the content site owners and the webmasters or publishers.

Our website, Adsense Tool, is a good source of information for the beginning adsense. We present a lot of content for those needing more information on a variety of subjects.

Belajar ADSEnse

Adsense yuK baReng Google.

Udah beberapa hari ini majang iKlannya google di blog dan sekarang alhamdulillah dah ada $ yang masuk ke Account, gK percaya sekarang lagi berDebar-dEbar nunggu Kiriman PIN dari google...ahh.

Ternyata untuk mendapatkan account Adsensenya dari google nda susah koQ...
Hmm... setelah mengunjungi banyak blog yang mengangkat Adsense sebagai topiknya ternyata banyak yang ingin bergabung dengan Adsense namun belum bisa karena blog mereka yang berbahasa Indonesia.
Untuk bergabung dengan adsense Google ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita perhatikan:

- Blog dengan content berbahasa yang di support oleh adsense, bahasa Inggris salah satunya, Bahasa Indonesia tidak disupport, Oleh karena itu banyak yang telah memasang script iklan adsense namun yang muncul hanyalah Iklan Layanan Publik/Masyarakat yang tidak berbayar....
* Pada saat pertama kali mendaftar untuk membuat account di blogspot, Lihat kanan pojok atas yang ada Scroll pilihan negara. Pilihlah English baik US maupun UK untuk mendaftar.

- Saran saya gunakan Account E-Mail dari google yaitu G-Mail karena blogspot milik google proses "pendaftaran" akan lebih mudah dilakukan.

- Isi Blog dengan content/Postingan" yang FResh dan baru juga sesuai dengan tema. berapa? hmm Max 20 buahlah sebelum mendaftar diri ke adsense lebih dari itu lebih baik. *Kalau tidak mampu membuat postingan dengan bahasa inggris, Gunakan saja article2 dari situs-situs penyedia free article seperti articlecity, goarticle, adsensetrick, doctoradsense, dan lai2n.

- Mendaftar Adsense di warnet ? Bisa saja asal mau ambil Resiko. Karena google akan mencatat IP tempat dimana kita mendaftar adsense, jadi apabila ada pengunjung warnet lain yang mengklik iklan kita... bisa saja account kita diBlock... bukan tidak boleh, tapi berhati-hatilah..

segitu dulu yang bisa diinformasikan, Kalau ada pertanyaan sebisanya akan saya jawab...!!!
gooo Adsense !

wing di Digli

gabung di digli situs jejaring sosial aseli Indonesia Terbaru

Site Belajar hacking

mau kasih tau duAnk...
Ya kalau udah taU ya nda papAh...
Bagi yang suka hacking maupun yang ingin belajar untuk menjadi Hacker, Nieh wing promosiin situs yang baru ditemuiin(ma temen gw si yE) heheh gak papa la...
dijamin seru koq...
bakal menambah pengetahuan, walaupun kamu bakalan pusing keliling dunia...
sekedaar bocoran informasi disini akan diberikan 4 Tingkatan misi yaitu :

* Basic Mission
** Realistic Mission
*** Programming
**** Cryptography

Masing masing dari misinya mempunyai tingkat-tingkatan yang makin tinggi seiiring keberhasilan misi misi...

Jadi Klik DISINI untuk memulai petualangan...
guE: "2wing"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to create a MySQL database

How to create a MySQL database.

Create a MySQL database is a relatively simple task. This guide will help you create a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin interface or SSH (Secure Shell) command line .

using PhpMyAdmin

Access to the Internet in your phpMyAdmin Web space. You will need the username and password assigned by your Web-hosting provider .

Find the text "Create new database" in the main framework of the page .

Enter a name for its new database in the text field blank forever.

Click "Create". You will receive a confirmation page that tells you that your database has been created .

Using the command line SSH

Log in to your site using an SSH client. You will need the username and password assigned to you by your Web-hosting provider .

Enter the following at the command line, using his own user name and password in place of words in capital letters: mysql-uUSERNAME-pPASSWORD

Enter the following into the symbol of MySQL that will be given, with its database of the project instead of name NAME: create database ;

His NAME database has been created.

the first thing a Blogger Do?

Do You Know what is the first thing a Blogger Do?

by Chhibber410

Keyword research should be the first thing you do before you even start a new blog. If you ever want to make money online or make money blogging for that matter, then you need to understand how important it really is to know how to do proper keyword research.

Not only that but you should also understand that the time to do keyword research is before you buy a domain and start a new site or blog.

This is easily one of the most misunderstood aspects of Internet marketing...the keyword research. For more details kindly login on to I think at first it seems to make sense to most newbies that you would want to target a keyword that gets lots of traffic, so you can make a lot of money.

The more traffic then more money there is to be made. This is true of course but not easily done! In fact, it is almost impossible for a newbie to target a high traffic, high competition keyword and be successful. There are real pros out there dominating those don't stand a chance.

Somewhere along the road even the newbies learn that the way to go is with long tail keywords. Yes there is just a fraction of the traffic that the top keywords get but this is actually to our advantage.

While the big boys are dominating and fighting over the top keywords, we can easily dominate the long tail keywords because they are much less competitive. All newbies should target long tail keywords. These are phrases three to six or even seven words long. Usually though long tails are around three to five words long, but some are longer.

Once you realize that long tail keywords are the way to go, you must then learn to narrow it down even more. You should try to find an easy target so that you increase your chances of tasting success.

The KEI is an important figure in keyword research. The KEI (keyword effectiveness index) is a search to results ratio basically. The higher the KEI the better the chances you have to be successful with this keyword. A good KEI is about 400 or better. Sometimes you will see some terms with crazy high over 300,000. This is a nice way to narrow down your keyword selection even more.

Once you find a group of long tail keywords and you begin to narrow down your choices and check the KEI then what? Now you can check to see how much money is in the keyword. I actually do this part first as it gets me excited. You can also visit us at You just go to Google ad words and use the keyword tool there.

Type in your keyword and it will tell you how much the advertisers are paying per click. If you put adsense on your blog, and it is optimized for a certain keyword, you are going to trigger some of the ads in your niche to appear on your blog. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website: -

You will get anywhere between twenty percent and fifty percent of what the advertiser is paying to Google. So you want to make sure there is some money in your keywords if you plan to use adsense to monetize your blog.

Improve Your Internet

Improve Your Internet Marketing With Latest Ways!

It's been a little over a decade since I was first introduced to the internet. I can remember how slow small businesses were to adapting the new idea of marketing their products and services in a way they never had seen before. Even for some larger corporations, it took awhile for them to accept the new concept of e-commerce. I guess no matter how profitable an idea maybe, it still will take a couple of years before the larger population can become comfortable with it. Ironically, I find small businesses are in the exact same place they were 15 years ago as an affiliate with VM Direct.

VM Direct - a streaming video company out of Las Vegas, Nevada. VM Direct is a streaming media service provider offering web-based technology services: Video email, blogging, video instant messaging, pod casting, and live broadcasting. Their all-in-one media packages start as low as $9.95 per month.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I had a few hours of free time to dive into the achieves of VM Directs weekly newsletters .As a new affiliate, I wanted to learn more about how other VM Direct affiliates are using the products as marketing tools for their small business. For more details visit to .Immediately, it became apparent how a small business can take advantage of this new technology and have a competitive edge over their competition by simply implementing streaming video into their current marketing plan.

Video Email

Word-of-mouth advertising is the least expensive marketing tool a business can use in marketing. What better way to get people talking about your business than to use the latest technology like video email? Let's imagine for a moment, that you meet someone at a business networking event. After a few minutes of small talk, both of you exchange business cards. Monday morning, you put your new contact information into your database. However, rather than making a typical follow-up phone call, you decide to send a quick video email expressing how much of a pleasure it was meeting them, and how you look forward to calling them later in the week. What type of impression do you think that email will leave with that new contact? During the course of their day, they might receive a few dozen emails. However, which one do you think they might remember? Could the impression from your new form of communication be so strong that they will forward your video message to someone else in the company, creating a bit of viral marketing for you along the way?

VM Direct web-based video email application incorporates a custom design function for its subscribers. There are three places which users can put their own advertisements; the header, the card, and the footer. Both the header and footer act as banners which are positioned above and below the video screen. The card acts as a business card where subscribers can advertise a simple message. Users can easily upload their custom graphics and have readers click on the graphic icon to open up another webpage of their choice.

Video Newsletters

Successful businesses, both small and large, understand the power of having a database list. Rather than sending a two-page newsletter to opt-in subscribers, the sender can have messages sent to every subscriber in a new, refreshing email format. Think of it as having your own "60 Minutes" weekly television show. How many of your competitors have their own weekly video show?

Personally, I still have a number of email newsletters I've yet to open. Many of those email newsletters have given up hope themselves, as they wait for me eventually open or delete them. Shamefully to say, some date back as far as four years ago. I keep promising myself that I'll get to them one day. I can honestly say I've yet to let a video email I've received go unopened.

Live Broadcasting

Incorporating live broadcast into your marketing opens up an untapped realm of possibilities. I didn't know the many applications in which it could be used until I watched some of the live broadcasts that were created by Razor Stream's Chairman of the Board, Richard Kall. Every Tuesday, Richard Kall broadcast his show live over the internet called, "Summer Chat with Richard Kall." For about 30 minutes, from his home-office in Las Vegas, he offers words of encouragement to new affiliates that have recently joined VM Direct family, and shares his insights on building a home-based business from his years of experience in the network marketing industry. For more information logon to .People from all around the world can log onto the broadcast, even if they are not an affiliate with VM Direct. At the moment, I happen to be watching a video Richard Kall recorded on November 11th, 2006. All live broadcasts can be achieved. So whatever time subscribers broadcast their live show, it's easily accessible for others viewers to later watch if their scheduled didn't permit them to catch it live.

We've come along way from being habitués of those now antiquated bulletin board services. We've become comfortable with instant messaging and text messaging. As the advancement of new technology continues, I imagine that one day cell phone users will have streaming video coming into their cell phones. I am just as confident that small businesses owner will eventually start to take advantage of the applications and uses of streaming video as more and more companies start using it to market their own products and services. I only hope they get to use it before their competition does.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lihat IP lawan di YM

nGeliat IP lawan Chat di YM

Langkahnya sebagai berikut :

  1. Login ke Yahoo Messenger Kamu, ya massa' aku.
  2. Ajak chat siapa saja yang ingin anda ketahui IP addressnya
  3. Buka cmd anda… ketik netstat kemudian enter
  4. Akan ada banyak proses yang terlihat
  5. Kirim file apa saja kepada lawan chat
  6. Saat proses terjadi, pada jendela cmd, ketik netstat sekali lagi kemudian enter
  7. Maka akan terlihat sebuah IP contohnya seperti ini : SYN_SENT
  8. Nah.. itu dia ip address lawan chat anda.. ipnya adalah
  9. Jika belum jelas, anda bisa menggunakan command netstat -n, maka akan keluar ip address dan port dalam numerik

Coba dicoba... kalau lum bisa, yah coba terus sampe bisa.,
kalau emang gak bisa ya salah situ kenapa bisa ampe nda bisa...!!!
Kalau berhasil trues diapaian??
ya diapaain kek...

Anatomy of the Google G1

Anatomy of the Google G1 ,by Roberto Sedycias

The Google G1 is the latest revolution in the cell phone market manufactured by HTC Corporation of Taiwan. T-mobile is the official carrier of Google G1. Presently, Google G1 will be sold for $179 along with a customary 2-year voice and data plan from T-mobile. The most promising feature of Google G1 is its Android operating system. This platform affords extremely flexible download of software and programs from the net.

Distinctive features:

The Google G1 comes with a keyboard subtly hiding behind a sliding touchscreen. Just a tap on the icons is enough to execute any software of choice. The keyboard is a regular one which makes entry of data a breeze. There are six buttons on the handset to serve different purposes. The first and the last buttons enable the user to make/receive and end an active call. There is a trackball button at the centre, the function of which is similar to the regular mouse. The other three buttons are for navigating and displaying the available options on the desktop.

The Google G1 is available in three colors: white, brown and black.

The GPS service makes navigation a cinch in the new Google G1. It is impossible to get lost if one possesses the G1. The Google maps have the precision to pinpoint the exact location searched for. An accelerometer is combined with a digital compass to make navigation easy in Street View mode. The compass can orient the screen according to movement.

The Google G1 has a 3-megapixel camera but it has no provision for video recording. YouTube clips can however be played on G1. Amazon mp3 service is available on the Google G1 to download music of choice. Shop Savvy software is integrated into G1 camera, which can take photographs of bar codes and thus, compare prices of items before purchasing them.

The web browser provided in the Google G1 is Chromlite. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity add spice to the already flexible internet navigation.

Battery life is capable of handling 5 hours of talk time and 130 hours of standby time. The Google G1 has 1GB storage and can support a maximum of 8GB through a microSD slot. SQLite is the database software used for storage.

MMS is another feature available in the Google G1 along with SMS and threaded text messaging.

Comparison with Apple iPhone:

There is much talk about Google G1 eclipsing the Apple iPhone. The G1 is priced about $20 less than the iPhone. It has a physically available QUERTY keyboard against iPhone`s virtual one. Most users are mentally allergic to the use of a virtual keyboard. The presence of an actual keyboard is more enterprising for them. Internet browsing is better developed in a Google G1 too. The 3 mega-pixel camera of Google G1 is also a more intriguing option than the 2 mega-pixel one in an iPhone.

However, Google G1 does not have a sizable expandable memory. iPhone has a memory of 8 - 16GB which is a lot more than the G1. The standby battery life of an iPhone is also considerably better than a G1. Video playback capabilities are missing in a G1 while it is a major attraction in an iPhone.


So the war is on. The results of the speculations will finally arrive after the Google G1 comes into the user`s hands. Reports say that the initial production of Google G1 has already been completely booked over the internet. The concerned authorities are contemplating making more units to meet the heavy demand. Only time will tell whether investment in the Android based Google G1 is a profitable one or not.

Google tries tighter

Google tries tighter aim for Web ads
BY: Saul Hansell

Google, with its deep reservoir of data about online behavior gathered by tracking hundreds of millions of computers, is for the first time testing ways to use some of that data to aim ads at Web users.

Ads that a person sees on one Google search may be influenced by what was searched a few minutes earlier. Searching for “scuba,” then something else, and then “vacations” could pull up ads for diving trips, for example.

This small but significant change in Google’s strategy was discovered by Gene Munster, a securities analyst at Piper Jaffray, who this year started a series of tests looking at which ads were displayed in a series of queries on Google’s search engine. Google assigns every computer that visits its sites a unique number — known as a cookie — and records searches and other activities in an unimaginably large file with those cookies.

The company previously said that it had not used any of that information to draw inferences about users for the purpose of selecting ads to show them.

Google changed its privacy policy a few years ago and warned users that it might capture personal information about them for reasons that include “the display of customized content and advertising.” Last year, Google started looking at the immediately previous search when considering ads. Google did not need to use its cookies for this because Web browsers report the address of the previous site visited to the current site being visited. And in the case of a search, that address contains the search terms.

Nick Fox, a director of product management who looks after ads on Google’s search site, said the company was now testing the use of more search queries in its ad targeting. He did not describe how it was doing that. But Internet experts said that it was most likely using its cookies.

Fox said that Google’s approach was different from what Yahoo, AOL and others call behavioral targeting. Those companies look at what a user did a few days earlier to show them ads about the same topic today. Google says it believes that search engine advertising is most effective if it relates to what the user has most recently searched for.

“We are trying to understand what the user is trying to do right now,” Fox said. “In some cases, those queries are ambiguous, so you need a little more context.”

Google’s previous system of looking at a user’s immediate past query was not useful enough, he said. “It is probably not just the previous query that matters,” Fox said. “You want to know if the user is still doing the same thing. You wouldn’t want to go back a month. You wouldn’t want to go back a day. But you may want to go back two or three queries.”

How data are used for advertising has become politically delicate. Many of the biggest companies on the Internet — Yahoo, AOL and Microsoft — have bought advertising firms because they are convinced there is a lot of money to be made by tracking users’ behavior. Although they say they have steps in place to protect users’ privacy, the Federal Trade Commission is considering regulating ad targeting.

A critical factor in the debate is what Google, with its vast scale, does or may do with the data it has. Google controls two-thirds of the search market. It runs by far the biggest advertising network. Its DoubleClick unit is the biggest provider of ad technology to publishers and advertisers. Its toolbar is installed in many browsers, including every new Dell computer. And Google Analytics is gathering information from millions of Web sites.

Google is quick to point out that some of these systems are not connected to each other. And most of the information it gets is not what is generally considered to be personally identifiable, like a name or e-mail address. But once a user chooses to provide personal information to Google, perhaps by signing up for Gmail or Google Checkout, that information can be linked to much of the information that had been, until that time, collected anonymously.

Patent Office

Patent Office Stifles Innovation

An appeals court ruling favoring the U.S. Patent Office puts in jeopardy tech companies’ ability to get protection for further software advances

Information Age innovators need not apply. At least that’s the implied message being stretched like police tape across the door of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). The agency seems fixated on eliminating the last, true, sustainable American advantage: our capacity to innovate.

Recent moves by the USPTO have resulted in a precedent-setting legal victory that now threatens software patents with extinction, putting companies like Apple and Google at risk along with the U.S. economy.

Software is key to modern innovation. But more important, it’s among the last strongholds in American economic might. Open the box on a new Apple (AAPL) product, and you’ll see a note saying “Designed by Apple in California.” It leaves out the implicit “made in China.” That’s what America does. It innovates. It designs. It conceives and invents. Today, America makes ideas. And then we outsource the manufacture of our ideas, and sell those to the world. Indeed, in just a few decades, the U.S. has gone from a country that largely produced tangible goods to one that produces blueprints for intellectual property. And one of the greatest areas of intellectual property production in the U.S., as noted by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, is software.

Notably, during Apple’s recent quarterly report, Jobs commented about the iPhone: “The traditional game in the phone market has been to produce a voice phone in 100 different varieties.… [W]e approach it as a software platform company, which is pretty different from most of our competitors.”

Left in Limbo

Now, it appears the USPTO is hell-bent on destroying such intellectual property rights. The most recent evidence came from an Oct. 30 ruling by an appeals court that could narrow what’s patentable and make it much more costly to obtain patents, particularly for newer companies. Some fear the decision also leaves many innovative software technologies in limbo.

The decision came in response to a request by the USPTO for clarification of what is and isn’t patentable. In so doing, the USPTO opted to retry principles that had been settled more than a decade ago, putting all patents protecting business-method software at risk.

The USPTO kicked the question to the appeals court because it wants the power to pick and choose what is patentable subject matter—rather than merely performing its well-established mandate to examine patent applications. At best, this is plain lazy. At worst, this push is economically stupefying. How can the USPTO recognize the next Google—particularly if it won’t even examine the invention?

Admittedly, it’s always been difficult to distinguish “abstract” ideas, which are not entitled to patent protection, from “applied” ideas, which are. In short, E=mc2 is not patentable, but applying the formula within a machine (as software on a computer) to run a nuclear reactor more efficiently and safely is patentable.

Easier to Prejudge

Congress has long equipped the USPTO with legal tools to let the quality wheat advance ahead of the chaff. Legal doctrines known as “novelty” and “non-obviousness” help measure whether a purported advance is inventive. But examining patent claims to figure out if they are new and non-obvious is hard work. It’s far easier for the USPTO to arbitrarily narrow or prejudge what it thinks should not be patentable subject matter, so it can ease or outright avoid doing its job.

That’s exactly what the USPTO did in response to an application by Bernard Bilski for a financial-services “hedging” process. Bilski’s patent application was chock full of hopes and dreams that amounted to the financial-services equivalent of the wheel. In other words, it was a poster child for bad patent claims.

The USPTO’s decision to deny that application was intellectually consistent with centuries of patent jurisprudence. In 2006, when Bilski appealed the USPTO’s denial, the agency could have prevailed simply by arguing that the description was too broad, vague, incomplete, lacking in novelty, and obvious. Instead, the USPTO used the case as a ruse to ask the appeals court to “clarify” what is patentable.

The court handed down its decision on Oct. 30, issuing a ruling that established a new test. For a software process to be patentable, it must either be bound to a particular machine or transformational. The court elaborated only on the “transformation” aspect of the test, noting that there must be a “transformation…central to the purpose of the claimed process.” But the court punted on the machine portion of the test.

The bottom line to the above legal gobbledygook is that software and business methods are still patentable, though some fear the court has left many innovative software technologies in limbo by theoretically narrowing what is patentable. In reality, the ruling will just make getting such patents more costly. It will create more work for clever patent attorneys to tie software to physical sources, thereby making it less affordable for smaller companies (, 11/14/07).

Out of Touch

The appeals court did concede that “the Supreme Court may ultimately decide to alter or perhaps even set aside this test to accommodate emerging technologies.” Still, the court’s decision is horribly out of touch. For example, it’s now doubtful that protocol- or signal-based software technologies are patentable. So had this ruling been in effect when the technology that makes the Internet tick was being developed, it’s conceivable the technology would have been deemed unpatentable subject matter unless it had been tied to some particular machine. The entire point of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is to send information over networks and not be tied to any particular machine.

It is astounding that the USPTO and appeals court could be such Luddites or show such hubris as to narrow the meaning of a patentable “process”—a decision that only Congress has the purview to make. There’s a good chance the court overstepped its authority, intruding on the bounds of the legislature. It is further mind-boggling that the appeals court has effectively shifted the judgment of patentable subject matter down to the USPTO.

Yet, it is very likely the USPTO will not rest until it succeeds in narrowing patentable subject matter and killing off patents for software business methods. There is a good chance the Bilski case may be picked up by the Supreme Court. But if the high court takes a pass, it may take only one more bad appeals decision to kill software business-method patents. And the USPTO has pipelined many more cases to bait the court.

Spate of Knockoffs

If a court finds software and business methods are not subject matter that should be patentable, the rest of the world will feel free to knock off U.S. inventiveness without repercussion. Apple, which took a great risk in making its iPhone, is already contending with knockoffs by small companies. But in making its iPhone, Apple took on the goliaths of the cell-phone industry. It’s doubtful Apple would have made the same gamble (risking hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development) without some measure of protection. The proof: Apple filed more than 200 patent applications on its iPhone.

Considering that the cell-phone companies took their eye off the ball and missed that software is key in their industry, it’s not too surprising the USPTO doesn’t appreciate software’s importance. But that lack of vision and foresight explains why an institution like the USPTO should not be the arbiter of whether the equivalent of the software wheel is patentable. Instead, the USPTO should concentrate on its job of discerning if patent applications are novel or non-obvious.

And, by the way, has anyone been paying attention to the economy of late? Perhaps this is not the best time to endanger new technologies, unless of course you make your living shorting Google and Apple stock.

John Kheit is an intellectual property lawyer at Chadbourne & Parke. He is reachable at

Internet to track flu’s spread

Using the Internet to track flu’s spread

What if Google knew before anyone else that a flu outbreak was putting you at heightened risk of getting sick? And what if it could alert you, your doctor and your local public health officials before the muscle aches and chills kicked in?

That, in essence, is the promise of Google Flu Trends, a Web tool that, the company’s philanthropic unit, announced Tuesday, just as the flu season was starting.

Google Flu Trends is based on the idea that people feeling sick are likely to turn to the Web for information, searching on Google for phrases like “flu symptoms” or “muscle aches.” Google Flu Trends tracks such queries and charts their ebb and flow, broken down by regions across the United States. said this first version of Google Flu Trends “is just a start” and it hoped to “explore other countries, languages, and diseases in the future.”

Early tests suggest that the service might be able to detect regional outbreaks of the flu between a week and 10 days before they are reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Some public health experts say that could help accelerate the response of doctors, hospitals and public health officials to a nasty flu season, reducing the spread of the disease and, potentially, saving lives.

It could also offer a dose of comfort to stricken individuals in knowing that a bug is going around.

“This could conceivably provide as early a warning of an outbreak as any system,” said Lyn Finelli of the influenza division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The earlier the warning, the earlier prevention and control measures can be put in place, and this could prevent cases of influenza,” Finelli said.

Between 5 percent and 20 percent of the population of the United States contracts the flu each year, Finelli said, leading to an average of 36,000 deaths.

Google Flu Trends is the latest indication that the words typed into search engines like Google can be used to track the collective interests and concerns of millions of people, and even to forecast the future.

“This is an example where Google can use the incredible systems that we have to come up with an interesting, predictive result,” said Eric Schmidt, the Google chief executive. “From a technological perspective, it is the beginning.”

The premise behind Google Flu Trends has been validated by an unrelated study indicating that the data collected by Yahoo, Google’s main rival in Internet search, can also help with early detection of the flu. The study, by the University of Iowa College of Medicine, suggested that the technique could be applied to the surveillance of other diseases in the future.

Still, some public health officials note that many health departments already use other techniques, like gathering data from visits to emergency rooms, to keep daily tabs on disease trends in their communities.

“We don’t have any evidence that this is more timely than our emergency room data,” said Farzad Mostashari, assistant commissioner of the New York City Department of Health.

If Google could provide health officials with more details of how its system works, the data could be an additional way to detect influenza that may prove quite valuable, said Mostashari, who is also chairman of the International Society for Disease Surveillance.

Researchers have long said that the data sprinkled throughout the Web could be used to make predictions. There are commercial Web sites that mine that information to predict airfares and home prices.

But the data collected by search engines is particularly powerful, because the keywords and phrases that people type into search engines represent their most immediate intentions. People may search for “Kauai hotel” when they are planning a vacation and for “foreclosure” when they get in trouble with their mortgage. Those queries express the world’s collective desires and needs, its wants and likes.

Research at Yahoo suggests that increases in searches for certain terms can help predict events. Yahoo has begun using search traffic to make decisions about ranking news articles on its site.

Two years ago, Google began opening up its search data through Google Trends, a tool that allows anyone to track the popularity of search terms. It also offers more sophisticated search traffic tools that marketers can use to test advertising campaigns.

Google Flu Trends is based on the same idea. Google’s engineers created a basket of keywords and phrases related to the flu, including thermometer, flu symptoms, muscle aches, chest congestion and many others. Google then dug into its database, extracted five years of data on those queries and mapped the data onto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s reports of “influenza-like illness,” which the agency collects from laboratories, health care providers and other sources. Google found an almost perfect correlation between its data and the center’s reports.

“We know it matches very, very well in the way flu developed in the last year,” said Larry Brilliant, executive director of

Finelli and Brilliant cautioned that the data needed to be monitored to ensure that the correlation with flu trends remained valid.

Other projects have tried to use information collected from Internet users for public health purposes. A Web site called, for instance, invites people to post information about what ails them and superimposes the results on a map. But the site has received little traffic, so its usefulness is limited.

HealthMap, a project affiliated with the Children’s Hospital in Boston, scours the Web for news articles, blog posts and electronic newsletters to create a map that tracks emerging infectious diseases around the world. It is backed by, which counts the detection and prevention of disease as one of its main goals.

But Google Flu Trends appears to be the first public project that uses the powerful database of a search engine to track the emergence of a disease. The approach has the potential to detect other diseases.

“In theory, we could use this stream of information to learn about other disease trends as well,” said Philip Polgreen, assistant professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa. Polgreen is a co-author of the study that used Yahoo’s search data to detect influenza, which will be published next month.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Doa Dapat Jodoh

bagi temen teman yang sedang kesulitan
mencari jodoh...semoga doa ini
benar-benar ampuh...amien.....


"Ya Tuhan, kalau dia memang jodohku,
dekatkan lah...
Tapi kalau bukan jodohku,
Jodohkan lah....
Jika dia tidak berjodoh denganku,
maka jadikanlah kami jodoh...
Kalau dia bukan jodohku,
jangan sampai dia dapet jodoh yang
lain, selain aku...
Kalau dia tidak bisa di jodohkan
denganku ,
jangan sampai dia dapet jodoh yang lain,
biarkan dia tidak berjodoh sama seperti
Dan saat dia telah tidak memiliki jodoh,
jodohkanlah kami kembali...
Kalau dia jodoh orang lain,
putuskanlah ! Jodohkanlah dengan ku....
Jika dia tetap menjadi jodoh orang lain,
lempar orang tersebut ke laut dan
kemudian jodohkan kembali dia dengan
ku ...
"Amin..." .

Kasta Hacker

Tingkatan-tingkatan Dalam Dunia Hacker

Wanna be Hacker , ternyata dunia ini juga mengenal "kasta".

Elite :

Juga dikenal sebagai 3l33t, 3l337, 31337 atau kombinasi dari itu; merupakan ujung tombak industri keamanan jaringan. Mereka mengerti sistemoperasi luar dalam, sanggup mengkonfigurasi & menyambungkan jaringan secara global. Sanggup melakukan pemrogramman setiap harinya. Sebuah anugrah yang sangat alami, mereka biasanya effisien & trampil,menggunakan pengetahuannya dengan tepat. Mereka seperti siluman dapat memasuki sistem tanpa di ketahui, walaupun mereka tidak akan menghancurkan data-data. Karena mereka selalu mengikuti peraturan yang ada.

Semi Elite:

Hacker ini biasanya lebih mudadaripada Elite.Mereka juga mempunyai kemampuan & pengetahuan luas tentang komputer. Mereka mengerti tentang sistem operasi (termasuk lubangnya). Biasanya dilengkapi dengan sejumlah kecilprogram cukup untuk mengubah program eksploit. Banyak serangan yang dipublikasi dilakukan oleh Hacker kaliber ini, sialnya oleh para Elite mereka sering kali di kategorikan Lamer.

Developed Kiddie:

Sebutan ini terutama karena umur kelompok ini masih muda (ABG)&masih sekolah. Mereka membaca tentang metoda hacking & caranya di berbagai kesempatan. Mereka mencoba berbagai sistem sampai akhirnya berhasil & memproklamirkan kemenangan ke lainnya.Umumnya mereka masih menggunakan Grafik UserInterface (GUI) & baru belajar basic dari UNIX, tanpa mampu menemukan lubang kelemahan baru di sistem operasi.

Script Kiddie:

Seperti developed kiddie, Script Kiddie biasanya melakukan aktifitas di atas. Seperti juga Lamers, mereka hanya mempunyai pengetahuan teknis networking yang sangat minimal. Biasanya tidak lepas dari GUI. Hacking dilakukan menggunakan trojan untuk menakuti & menyusahkan hidup sebagian pengguna Internet.


Mereka adalah orang tanpa pengalaman & pengetahuan yang ingin menjadi Hacker (wanna-be Hacker). Mereka biasanya membaca atau mendengar tentang Hacker & ingin seperti itu. Penggunaan komputer mereka terutama untuk main game, IRC, tukar menukar software prirate, mencuri kartu kredit. Biasanya melakukan hacking menggunakan software trojan, nuke & DoS. Biasanya menyombongkan diri melalui IRC channel dsb. Karena banyak kekurangannya untuk mencapai elite, dalam perkembangannya mereka hanya akan sampai level developed kiddie atau script kiddie saja.
Sumber: Internet
dari sini...

Hacking history

mengHacking JANGAN mengCracking
Jadilah Hacker, Jangan Cracker

Istilah Hacker sendiri lahir sekitar tahun 1959 dari MIT(Massacusetts Institute of Technology), sebuah universitas di Amerika yang terdiri dari orang-orang cerdas namun cenderung tidak mempercayai adanya Tuhan (Atheis). Saat itulah semua berawal, dari sebuah ruangan baru, "EAM room" pada Building 26 MIT, sebuah tempat yang merupakan nenek moyang dari "dunia baru" yang kini kita kenal, tempat nenek moyang sebuah mesin yang kini kita sebut sebagai "komputer", mesin yang mampu membawa kita menuju kelebihbaikan dengan kebebasan informasi, dunia para Hacker sejati.
Para Hacker selalu bekerjasama secara sukarela menyelesaikan masalah dan membangun sesuatu. Mereka selalu berbagi informasi, memberi jawaban serta berlomba-lomba untuk berbuat yang terbaik agar dihormati di lingkungannya. Mereka tidak pernah berhenti belajar untuk menjadi ahli dan sangat anti untuk melakukan sesuatu berulang-ulang dan membosankan. Mereka berpedoman pada kata-kata bijak : “Untuk mengikuti jalan - pandanglah sang ahli - ikuti sang ahli - berjalan bersama sang ahli - kenali sang ahli -jadilah sang ahli ”

Sementara itu, para cracker sibuk untuk memuaskan diri mereka dengan aktivitas Cracking. mulai dari membobol komputer, menebar virus (tanpa tujuan - beberapa Hacker sejati ada yang menulis virus namun dengan tujuan yang jelas), hingga mengakali telepon (Phreaking). Para Hacker menyebut mereka sebagai orang malas yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Jadi, sangat tidak adil jika kita tetap menganggap bahwa Hacker itu jahat dan menakutkan karena sangat jelas bahwa Hacker bersifat membangun sementara Cracker bersifat membongkar.

Ingin jadi seorang Hacker?? Tidak ada kata sulit bagi mereka yang mau belajar. Untuk menjadi seorang Hacker anda harus menguasai beberapa bahasa pemrograman dan tentu saja sikap-sikap yang bisa membuat anda diterima di lingkungan mereka. Biasanya calon Hacker memulai dengan belajar bahasa [Python] karena bahasa ini tergolong bahasa pemrograman yang termudah. Bahasan mengenai bahasa ini bisa anda lihat di Setelah itu anda juga harus menguasai [java] yang sedikit lebih sulit akan tetapi menghasilkan kode yang lebih cepat dari Python, [C], [C++] yang menjadi inti dari UNIX, dan [Perl] ( ) serta [LISP] untuk tingkat lanjut.

Setelah menguasai semua kemampuan dasar diatas, calon Hacker disarankan untuk membuka salah sati versi UNIX open-source atau mempelajari LINUX, membaca kodenya, memodifikasi dan menjalankannya kembali. Jika mengalami kesulitan, disarankan untuk berkomunikasi dengan club pengguna Linux []

Sisi menarik dari seorang Hacker adalah dimana mereka saling bahu-membahu dalam menyelesaikan sebuah masalah dan membangun sesuatu. Tetapi sayangnya, kehidupan mereka yang menghabiskan 90% waktunya untuk aktivitas Hacking bukanlah hal yang baik.
Kalau memang benar-benar ingin jadi Hacker, jadilah Hacker yang baik...



Some timeago I reviewed an application called GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) as Iwas getting tired of using Photoshop for relatively simple image manipulationtasks. One cannot deny that Photoshop isan extremely competent and extensive program but it is also extremely resourcehungry and not to mention expensive; it seemed somewhat akin to using asledgehammer to squat a mosquito.

GIMP isideal for many home users as it is a small and free application which boasts alarge number of features that would probably prove sufficient for who needssomething slightly more than Microsoft Paint but less than Photoshop. My only reservation with the application wasthat the UI (User Interface) was a little bit inconsistent with the overallfeel of Windows and as a result it takes a while to get to grips with and oftenfeels alien to the average PC user.

This weekI stumbled across another very capable application called which onceagain is free to download and use. Unfortunatelyit is not quite as powerful as GIMP but for most users this will be compensatedfor by the fact the interface will be extremely familiar to the average Windowsuser, to the point where it is almost intuitive, resulting in a much easierlearning curve. The majority of userswill find the features of more than enough for day to day photomanipulation however also thrown in to the mix are a number of extremelypowerful tools.

First andforemost the application supports layers; unless you’ve ever used layers it’sdifficult to explain in words exactly what they are and how they can helpyou. The simplest analogy would be tothink of them as a number of transparency slides, which when all stacked andviewed together form the basis of a whole image. If you change one of the individual slidesthe overall image will look different, but no changes will be made to the otherslides. This means that changes that youmake to one layer which are later altered won’t result in a trial of obviousdamage to the image caused by previous alterations.

Anothernice feature is the way that the application handles multiple images; ratherthan having a number of windows that can be minimised and reopened as and whennecessary, Paint.NET has a clever style of tabbed interface. In order to navigate between open files yousimply click a thumbnail of the image from a scrollable selection on the topright hand side of the screen.

Additionalfeatures, updates and bug fixes are released on practically a monthly basis andthere is an active forum that offers a number of plug-ins, should you requireany extra functionality that isn’t provided as standard.

In termsof special effects, the application has a large number built in as standard;ink sketch, oil painting, blurs, distortions, noise control, red eye removal,sharpening, softening and so on. Theimage can also be manipulated by way of adjustments such as hue, saturation,level, brightness, contrast and sepia controls. The standard drawing and selection tools are provided and of course theintensity, tolerance or size of these tools can all be easily adjusted asnecessary.

Oneselling point of GIMP was that it is cross platform compatible howeverPaint.NET can only be used in Windows and more specifically in the laterversions, either XP or Vista. This isunlikely to be a problem for most my readers so if you found GIMP a littleconfusing and don’t have the time, patience or money for Photoshop then I wouldurge you download this tiny 1.6mb application by visiting

silver Surfers

silver Surfers

One ofthe Switch guys from above Refresh was today talking about Christmas and howhis 96 year old grandma who lives in Canada extended her wishes on the day viawebcam. Hearing James talk about thismade me wonder what kind of difference the Internet can make in the life ofsomeone who would be considered to be of the ‘older generation’. As you might imagine, I look at the Internetthrough the eyes of a mid-twenty year old man; it’s only when I take a stepback and look from a different perspective that I see the benefits for anelderly person are just as obvious.

Without adoubt, the main obstacle in the way of the majority of older people gainingaccess to the Internet is a working computer knowledge. Unfortunately getting on to the Internet requiresthe use of a PC, but in a generation that wasn’t bought up around computersthis can pose a problem. Fortunatelythere are a number of courses designed specifically for this user demographic -these are usually very cheap to attend and the advice is friendly andunintimidating.

Assumingthat this one obstacle can be overcome, the primary use of the Internet formost elderly people will almost certainly be communications. I’m not speaking from personal experience butI imagine that it would be very easy for an elderly person to become fairlyisolated; I’ve known of people in their seventies, eighties and nineties who don’tsee anybody for days, or even weeks, on end.

TheInternet allows the elderly to set themselves up with free Skype accounts sothat they can hold an audio or video conversation with friends and family whomight live a long distance away. In thecase of James’ gran, for example, she was able to see and talk to her entirefamily in Devon from her armchair in Canada completely free of charge and foras long as she liked; before the Internet this simply wouldn’t have beenpossible. The majority of people who purchasea webcam in our store would be considered elderly and I think it’s fantasticthat a £10 piece of technology can make such a difference.

Sitessuch as Friends Reunited allow the elderly to get back in touch with friendsthat they may have lost contact with decades ago and provides another line ofcommunication to the wider world. In arecent study 35% of older Net users said that the Internet had provided themwith a wider circle of friends after retirement. Of course, e-mail in general is a fantasticcommunications tool and maintaining contact in this fashion is infinitelyquicker and usually easier than writing a letter.

The Internet can also serve to starve off boredom and keep the mind active in the later years of life. Sites such as Wikipedia provide a whole wealth of information that is literally unending;c oupled with billions of websites this window to the world is invaluable. A side point to this is that again, in theaforementioned survey 42% of older people said that as a result of the Internet they were more aware and tolerant to the way that the world is changing.

If yous uffer from mobility issues then online shopping can relieve the burden ofhaving to go in to town or out to a large supermarket to get the weekly shop. Those that rely on someone gettingtheir shopping for them may also like the independence and freedom to choose exactly what they want and get it delivered the same day.

Computer sand the elderly are two words that are not often mentioned in the same sentence however thepotential enrichment that the Internet can bring in to the life of an olderperson is often worth the effort of overcoming the technical challenges.

It’s a relatively long way off yet but I do hope that in retirement I’ll be able to conside rmyself a ‘silver surfer’.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Coming Age Of HDTV

What Does It Mean To Me?

HDTV - high-definition television: it is something that has been discussed for some time now, however not everyone has a strong sense of what it is and why he or she would want to have it.

Because all television stations will be required to broadcast a digital signal after February 17, 2009, many viewers are beginning to ask a lot more questions about how the new digital age of television will affect their personal viewing experience. They want to know whether or not their television set will be compatible, whether or not they will have to replace it, and what steps they will have to take in order to keep watching their favorite shows.

How To Identify If Your Television Is An Analog TV

Analog television has been with us since the inception of television broadcasting. Analog is the old way of processing a television signal.

Television technology took a big leap in the 1960's with the transition from television tubes to circuit boards, but that conversion failed to bring with it any major strides in the quality of the television picture.

If your current television does not have a logo on its front that indicates DTV (Digital TV), EDTV (Enhanced Definition TV), or HDTV, then your television set is an analog TV.

Understanding The Transition From An Analog Signal To The New Digital Signal

Digital image processing is a technology that began in earnest during the 1970's, when Japanese technology companies began to explore the concepts of HDTV. The Japanese TV manufacturers were exploring ways to improve the picture quality of the television image, as a way to find more customers for their television products.

While Americans were busy playing with building the computer industry, the Japanese were hard at work trying to build a better television set. The first HDTV systems developed by the Japanese still relied on the old analog system of sending a broadcast signal to their televisions, but they were still able to produce a better television viewing experience.

When initially introduced to the U.S. Government, the new HDTV system produced a myriad of concerns, which included the issue of an analog HDTV-system needing more bandwidth than what was currently allotted to the television broadcasters.

In 1993, a consortium of American researchers and manufacturers (known as The Grand Alliance) joined forces to find a way to bring HDTV-quality to the American public, while keeping the bandwidth requirements of broadcasters within the existing limits.

Researchers soon understood that they would need to push at least part of the television signal in a digital format to make sure that HDTV could be transmitted within the limits currently allotted to the television broadcasters. By the time they had finished their work, the Grand Alliance had created a system that was 100% Digital.

In 1995, after considerable opposition from the television broadcast industry, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission officially set the standard for completely digital HDTV broadcasting system. This put into motion the events that are just now coming to fruition, with the rollout of the new Digital Television broadcasting system.

Although most television stations have been broadcasting a Digital Television Signal now for a few years, analog television owners have been none the wiser. But that will all change on February 17, 2009.

Will My Analog Television Stop Working In 2009?

The simple answer is "yes", but that does not mean that you will have to buy a new television in order to get the new digital broadcasts. While you may not need to replace your television set, you may have to make changes in how you get your television signal.

There are in fact three ways that the average consumer can continue to get a television signal using their old television set:

1. Subscribe to a cable television service (and use their digital television converter);

2. Subscribe to a satellite television service (and use their digital television converter); or

3. Buy a DTV converter (Digital TV Converter) to receive signals from your analog antenna and to convert that signal back to analog, so that you can continue to use your analog television. (If you receive your television signal over-the-air, the Federal Government has implemented a Coupon Program to help consumers offset the cost of the DTV converter boxes: ) .

A Humorous Bow...

A Humorous Bow Hunting Story

A man and his friend were bow hunting elk in the Colorado mountains near Stoner Colorado. They rode their horse's from early morning until late evening. The high mountain terrain was very rough with tree's blown down and large boulders in the path. Their horse's had to step very carefully or chance breaking a leg.

With no sign of any elk the man told his friend that the elk must have all moved to the lower country. They decided to go down and try again the next day. The next morning the man and his friend decided to hunt closer to the town of Stoner.

They hunted most of the morning with no luck, the sky was clear and it was a beautiful day. As they got closer to the black top highway they saw a herd of cow elk. In the middle of the herd was the biggest bull elk you ever saw.

The hunter got down off of his horse and carefully drew his bow and took careful aim. Before he could release his arrow, his friend alerted him to a funeral procession passing on the highway below their stand.

The hunter slowly let off the pressure on his bow, took off his hat, bowed his head and closed his eyes in prayer. His friend was amazed. "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You are the kindest man I know." The hunter shrugged. "Yeah, well, I was married to her for 25 years."

Symantec Norton Antibot

The Latest In Norton Computer Protection Software

It seems like every other month a new “program” comes along to make our lives that much easier. For example, first we could bookmark favorites, and then RSS feed them, and then came widgets and now “bots” which are robots that do a lot of our computer work for us in the background. Examples of friendly bots are weather bots, game playing bots, instant messaging and my favorites are those on AOL Instant Messenger which do all kinds of functions for me like shop, find movie times and even give updates on the Wall Street Journal.

Unfortunately not all bots were created “equal.” Some are friendly and some are not. The ones that are not friendly can be a form of malware that allows control of your computer to be released, providing hackers with the opportunity to access your information and spread harmful bots to others. This type of computer virus can then be used to spread spam and commit various types of identity theft and other online fraud.

So with new threats to our computers and information, new methods of protection are required. One of the oldest and most well known software protection designers has recently released a new protection program, Symantec Norton AntiBot. This is a software product designed to prevent the hijacking of one’s personal computer by bots and uses the bots on design programs against them, to located and destroy them.

Many people already employ some form of protection on their personal computer, such as increasing the protection level from internet information to “high.” But these cannot detect some of the most recent bot programs and may not be the most efficient means of information protection, especially with the Internet being used more and more frequently for online shopping, ticket purchases, travel and other “high risk” activities.

A more effective method of detecting and eliminating threats caused by bots is to install software designed specifically to detect, destroy and prevent bots from having access to your computer. With Symantec Norton AntiBot software, protection against bots is enhanced several times and the threat of bot attack is greatly diminished. It’s program protects against bots by blocking bots from entering your computer through downloads and e-mail attachments (two of the common ways bots enter a personal computer), checking for any unusual behavior on your personal computer and eliminating it, and detecting malicious bot software at all levels; keeping your personal, financial and credit card information safe and stopping identify theft before it can occur.

Because bots operate in the background and are not detectable by antivirus or antispyware programs, many computer users are completely unaware that their personal computer has become infected. Many problems caused by bots go undetected until it is too late. Warning signs that your computer may have been accessed include: slowness of computer speed and unusual or irrelevant error messages. However, many times com these symptoms are sporadic and computer users will take little notice. Many people will continue to use their personal computer, unaware that bots have hijacked their personal computer and are slowly at work; looking for credit card numbers, passwords, and logon information which can be used for identity theft and in committing other types of online crime. This program scans your personal computer on a continuous basis, closing the gaps that could allow bots to infect your personal computer and better ensuring that bots do not invade and gain control.

The use of Symantec Norton AntiBot to determine what a harmful or useful bot and allows you to continue using those bots you love and have come to depend on for information and services. It can be used in addition to several other antivirus and antispyware programs. Its compatibility is not limited to only Norton products.

The cost of this software is $29.95 for one year of service. It was awarded PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice Award (2007) and underwent rigorous testing which included using AntiBot on computers with existing threats as well as allowing threats to try to access the computer after installation.

With the growing threat of identity theft and credit card fraud Symantec Norton AntiBot offers an additional level of protection needed to combat the threat of bots and prevent them from turning one’s personal computer into a robotic that turns into an instrument of destruction to both your personal and financial well-being.

The Act Of Interdependence

Internet And Business Online

The best role of business online is that of interdependency. We’ve all heard the old saying, “No man is an island.” When it comes to online business this is especially true.

If a business owner who takes their business into the online world determines they will be self reliant and never accept the help of anyone then that individual will not be in business long enough to change their minds.

It is accepted fact that the greatest tool for long-term exposure to your website is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without it potential customers can’t find you. It is unreasonable to expect that you can adequately develop a website without optimizing your website for the best possible search engine ranking.

Search engines also place a high value on sites that have links placed on existing sites. These ‘backlinks’ demonstrate to search engines that others trust your site. By placing your link on their website these other businesses indicate a trust and recommendation for your site.

In effect the two strategies listed above rely exclusively on what others can do for you when it comes to your online business.

Shirley Temple once proclaimed in her movie Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, “I’m very self-reliant.” American westerns are filled with lines dealing with pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and holding down the fort. Many of us have grown up to believe if we want something done right we have to do it ourselves.

This thinking is in opposition to the rules associated with an online business.

The online world can only exist because people share. Individuals share technology, but the also share links, reviews, blogs, forums and a wide range of other marketing strategies that find a commingling of interdependency.

In online business you are as dependent on others as they may be on you. Unlike the word ‘dependent’, the term interdependent indicates a mutual dependency. In other words you are depending on others to help provide links back to your site while they are equally dependent on you (or others) for the success of their business.

Have you really taken a proactive approach to networking? It’s possible you are reading this today and you’ve never considered asking someone else to place a link to your site on his or her online business site.

It can feel awkward depending on others to achieve online success especially if you’ve been lead to believe reliance on others is also a sign of imposing on their otherwise brilliant generosity.

I suppose it could be a deep-seated sense of pride that makes it hard to consider the need to ask others for help. However, the truth is depending on others is really what has made the Internet possible. The growth of this online world is comprised of a link of computers, networks and servers that are connected in a way that provides the maximum benefit for all.

Building an online business can feel a bit like trying to build a house of cards. Without the ability to rely on the other ‘cards’ around you it is virtually impossible to build.

Interdependence. This is the essence of online business.

Template by : kendhin