MORRISTOWN, NJ - TM Forum announced today the next important milestone in its highly acclaimed Content Encounter initiative. Championed by AT&T, Swisscom and Verizon and supported by NAB Show as an industry partner, Content Encounter 3 provides collaboratively developed solutions to the challenges of creating, delivering and monetizing digital media services in an increasingly complex value chain, based on specific real-world operational issues.
Content Encounter is an incubator where players from across the value chain - from content owners and distributors, to communications service providers and device makers - come together to experiment with innovative ways to solve the most pressing end-to-end problems hampering widespread roil-out of advanced, content-based services. The process begins with service and content providers placing their issues and requirements on the table which the supply chain then sets about to solve
Jim Warner, Vice Chairman and Head of Content, Media and Advertising Sectors for TM Forum said "The market for digital media type services is driven by ever changing relationships between customers and their providers, and service providers and their suppliers across the value chain. Today we are seeing the demand for online, web delivered video slowing as it moves from the early adopter phase to a more mainstream phase. Coupled with the failure of most web sites to effectively monetize their content inventory, we believe there are significant new revenue opportunities for telecom and cable operators to form a win-win relationship with content owners and give them a new channel to market based on some of the unique capabilities the network owner has."
Content Encounter examines the new business models and technologies across the service supply chain from creation to consumption. It assesses their impact on revenue, operations and the customer experience then publishes best practices and standards for managing these services.
In Content Encounter 3, 20 participating companies will focus on 5 major areas involving the on-boarding and assurance of content, portfolio and revenue management and e-commerce and advertising for both telecom and cable. The standards and business models underpinning these demonstrations will also be presented enabling attendees to get a behind the scenes view of how things are integrated.
Content Revenue Management is addressed in a demo featuring Convergys and cVidya, showing working solutions based around TM Forum's best practices, with specific input from Swisscom, based on actual revenue management issues, including revenue leakage.
According to Theodora Simeonidis-Orenstein, Swisscom, "Swisscom teamed with Convergys and cVidya Newtworks to create a Content Revenue demo to meet a real-life challenge. The resulting solution allows Swisscom to enhance the existing control framework on content revenue management, maximise profits and strengthen our customer services".
The monetization of content-based services and advertising based business models is addressed in another demonstration with input from Verizon. The Content Encounter 3 team will demonstrate the delivery and monetization of on-deck and off-deck content, as well as personalized advertising with the ability to trace the revenue throughout and address partner settlement and service profitability.
And for the first time, a cable orientated demonstration will show the personalization of advertising utilizing TM Forum, CableLabs and SCTE standard interfaces.
Content Encounter 3 will also be showing an end-to-end content lifecycle demonstration and how content is brought on board from multiple sources and multiple partners in an automated fashion, together with early developments on recent TM Forum standard interfaces around metadata, payment, processing/apportionment/charging policies, sales reporting, customer care, SQM (QoS) and usage data.
By working in a collaborative way across different industry groups, Content Encounter 3 participants will pinpoint solutions, exploit opportunities and form profitable partnerships.
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